Forgotten Password
The vast majority of email we receive is from people who have forgotten their passwords.
Please do not email us to recover your password. There is a password recovery link
on the login page. Here is another copy of that link:
Click here if you forgot your login name or password.
If you believe that you're entering your password correctly, but it's still being rejected,
then make absolutely sure that you're entering BOTH your password AND LOGIN NAME exactly as
they appear in the password recovery email you received. Many people mistakenly enter their
email address as their login name even when they didn't set up their account that way.
I have not forgotten my login name or password.
Email Address Changed
If you have a new email address, simply log into your account and click the
Change My Settings link on the left side
of the page.
The Change My Settings page allows you to
update any aspect of your account, including your Email Address, Login Name, Password,
Time Zone, etc.
I do not need to update my email address,
login name, password, or any other account setting.
Missing Reminders
Missing reminders are always
caused by buggy spam filters. This is not an exaggeration. We have investigated dozens
of these cases, and the results have always been the same. Because of this, we no longer
look into these issues. If you're not receiving your reminders, then please try the
- Visit the Change My Settings page, and verify that you
entered your email address correctly.
- Add Admin@MemoToMe.com to your address book and, if necessary, your spam filter's
white list.
- If you're using one of those annoying services that require your
friends to validate themselves just to send you email, please add Admin@MemoToMe.com to
your white list.
In addition to blocking spam, Challenge/Response style spam blockers (like EarthLink
spamBlocker, spamarrest.com, PeoplePC spaminator, and others) also annoy your friends
and block important messages such as Memo to Me reminders, online order confirmations, etc.
- If you're not running a spam filter, then your ISP (Internet Service Provider) might
be running one behind your back. Please contact them directly regarding your missing email.
My question does not involve missing reminders.
Contact Us
If the frequenly asked questions don't address your issue, then please verify
that you've read them by checking the boxes and
click here to email us.